Monthly Archives: September 2014

Yeay, we got nominated for the Liebster Award


No recipes, o travels and no photos in this post.

The story starts like this: Jaime from the Seasonal Veg Head asked us to take part in the Liebster Award. Thanks!  The questions are really fun and sometimes quite challenging. We’re looking forward to the answers of our nominees, hehe.

Ready for some viral fun?


  1. Answer the questions given and then come up with 10 new ones to ask your nominees.
  2. Nominate 8 other blogs, let them know you have nominated them and put a link to their blog in your post.
  3. No tag backs.
  4. Nominees must have under 500 followers on any platform.
  5. You must tell all the selected blogs that you have nominated them.

The following questions from the Seasonal Veg Head will help you to get to know us better.


1.)   What’s the story behind your blog name?
We both love travelling and cooking, thus we tried to find the perfect name to blog off on this topic.But it was not easy, as some of the first ideas had already been taken.

2.)   What is your morning beverage of choice?
Uta: In cold and grey weather I fancy something warm. Herbal tea or a coffee with cardamom and honey.
Abel: Check out some of our smoothies, that’s my absolute #1. Or some chocolate soy milk.

3.)   How many different locations (states or countries) have you lived in?
Uta: I have lived in Hungary, Spain and Germany. I spent a few months in Norway and also some summers in the Czech Republic.
Abel: I have lived in Mexico and Germany so far but I hope to get the chance to live in more countries. Working on a cruise ship I could get a glance of quite a few places that I would like to return to.

4.)   Are you a morning person or night owl?
Uta: Yes.
Abel: That’s easy, a night owl.

5.)   If you had to choose only one country’s cuisine to eat, what would it be?
That’s so mean!!! We love to eat Indian, Mexican, Hungarian and Italian stuff.
Uta: I think I would really miss Italian food. So Italian!
Abel: Something healthy, like thai!

6.)   What would your signature cocktail or mocktail be called?
Message in a Bottle. Actually we’ve invented a Palinquito, it was pretty good! :P I don’t dare to write the recipe, as Hungarians would get deeply offended.

7.)   What is your favorite social media platform (Facebook, twitter, instagram, etc.)?
We feel most comfortable with Facebook but also adore Pinterest.

8.)   If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be?
Being a journalist and a chéf we have pretty awesome professions.
Uta: Dancer. No, photographer. No, theatre director. No, dancer.
Abel: Cameraman for National Geographic.

9.)   What is the best blogging tip you’ve learned so far?
Uta: Be yourself.
Abel: Writing (food) porn brings traffic. Maybe not the best, but the most surprising.

10.)  If you could invite 3 people (living or dead) to a dinner party, who would they be?
Uta: Gandhi (I wrote a thesis on him but I am still left with many questions), Georges Bitaud (he’s an amazing Kizomba dancer) and Javier Guarascio from La Dimensión Vegana. Yes, it would be nice to exchange stories and experiences with him.
Abel: Bob Marley, Bruce Lee, Hayo Miyazaki. Just because.

Our 10 Questions for the Nominees:

1. Which is your favourite spice?
2. What place would you NEVER travel to?
3. Where do you want to move after you retire?
4. If there was one animal in the world you could save from extinction, which one would it be?
5. What is the first thing you visit when you arrive to a new city?
6. What do your order most of the times in a restaurant?
7. Which song makes you walk faster?
8. What is the one thing you don’t tolerate in another person?
9. What is the kitchen utensil you can’t live without?
10. What was the neighbourhood where you grew up like?

And now we would like to ask the bloggers of

Essen Mit Vernunft,
Gerda van Dale,
Delicioso y Vegetariano,
Estufa Vegana,
Love from Berlin,
Beetroot and Ginger and

to answer the above questions. We will feel very honoured if you can take some time and share your thoughts with us. And we hope you’ll have fun as well. :)


Fit for a smoothie?


We had some leftover parsley stems from this recipe and Abel made mind-blowing smoothie out of it.


Ingredients (for 2 glasses of smoothie):

  • 2.5 cups of orange (juice)
  • 1.5 cups of grapefruit (juice)
  • 2/3 cups of fresh parsley (stems in our case) and celery leaves
  • 2 tbsp of honey (or Agave syrup)
  • ice cubes

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Blend and enjoy the kick!

*a chili with personality*

*a chili with personality*

For decoration I chose to sacrifice our favourite chili from the balcony. I actually imagine it to taste good mixed into the smoothie as well.

Yeast Spread with Oat, or Oat Spread with Yeast

Yeast Spread with Oat, or Oat Spread with Yeast

Yeast spread with oat flakes…

Abel loves this spread and since the birth of our blog he has been asking me to post the recipe.

Well, here it is. I learned it from my Mother and I try to pass it on exactly the same way.




  • 1/2 tbsp (about 10g) of fresh yeast
  • 1/2 cup of oat flakes
  • 3/4 cup of hot water
  • 1 clove of garlic (pressed)
  • 3/4 tsp of salt
  • a pinch of: black pepper, paprika powder and turmeric
    optionally a little nutmeg or marjoram
  • about 3 tbsp of oil for frying
  • a handful of chopped parsley

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Heat oil and fry onions. After a 2-3 minutes, add oat flakes. In the meantime dissolve yeast in hot (!) water and add it to the pan. Stir until the liquid evaporates. Add all spices at the end. Sometimes I also add a little piece of butter or margarine to make it more creamy.

We often eat it on a cold Sunday morning for breakfast. Believe me, it tastes a lot better than it sounds! ;)


Happy Breakfast!

Happy Breakfast!