Summer calls vegan mayonnaise


Living in Spain, P1010617I always had a food-problem when going out with friends. I had to tell I am VERY vegetarian in order to get a salad without fish, and even like this, I was often asked: vegetarian, okay, but you eat Jamón Serrano (ham), right? Uhm, how should I put it, NO! But I have to admit that I loosened my diet a bit. Not as much as to stuff myself full with tortilla de patatas. But sometimes I ate patatas ali oli, baked potatoes with a garlic dip – which surely did contain eggs. (Later I got to know that you can make perfect ali oli with just garlic, lemon juice, oil and a mortar.)


It seems that summer has finally arrived – although people say that in Munich summer lasts for two weeks only… If so short, one has to enjoy to the fullest, no? Germany has a big culture of barbecues, generations grew up roasting their wurst at the Flaucher. BBQ calls for mayonnaise and recently we learned how to make a delicious vegan version. Inspiration was taken from La Dimensión Vegana and the rasta chéf Björn Moschinski and of course then I made my third version. Not that it happens often, but you can easily conserve this dip for a week in the fridge, as it doesn’t contain eggs nor dairy.


Ingredients (for about 2.2 dl):

  • 1/2 cup of vegan milk (we usually use a mixed soy-rice milk)
  • 1 cup of oil (it should be an oil that has no stron taste, I use sunflower oil)
  • 2 tbsp of vinagre (some white vinagre, I use the very basic 10% one – with lemon juice it will also work fine, I prefer the taste of the vinagre though)
  • spices according to taste

To convert measurements, check Cups&Spoons.

Preparation time: not even 5 minutes

Put the soy milk and the oil to the fridge. In order to get a good solid result, they have to be the same temperature.
Mix the cold soy milk and the vinagre with a hand mixer for one minute. It already will start to emulgate at this phase. Then little by little add the oil and continue mixing. Within 2-3 minutes you will get the base of the vegannaise.

At this point you may add your spices. I use 1/2 tsp brown sugar, a bit less than 1 tsp salt, 1 smaller garlic clove, a pinch of kurkuma to give it some colour. This will give you a mayonnaise-like taste but the possibilities are infinite: fresh herbs, curry and ginger or chilli, be creative!!

¡¡¡UPDATE!!! We’ve tried it with different types of oil and vegan milk, and came to the conclusion that the texture is the best if you use rapeseed oil.



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